frapposelli / vagrant-vcloud

Vagrant provider for VMware vCloud Director®
MIT License
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Parallel spin up of boxes #105

Closed StevenArmstrong closed 3 years ago

StevenArmstrong commented 9 years ago

Hi Guys,

it looks like parallelization in vcloud doesn't work are there any plans to implement it?

INFO batch_action: Enabling parallelization by default. INFO batch_action: Disabling parallelization because provider doesn't support it: vcloud INFO batch_action: Batch action will parallelize: false

I have tried to vagrant up using the following and it spins up correctly but sequentially when it encounters the vcloud provider:

dummy = '' Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| config.vm.provider :vcloud do |vcloud|

vcloud.hostname = 'https://vcloud.xxxx.xxxxx.local'

vcloud.username = 'devops'
vcloud.password = 'xxxxxxxxxxx'

vcloud.org_name = 'development'
vcloud.vdc_name = 'xxxxx'

vcloud.vapp_prefix = 'PIPELINE'

vcloud.catalog_name = 'IE'
vcloud.ip_dns = ['', '']

vcloud.vdc_network_name = 'ie1-nxc'
vcloud.network_bridge = false

end (1..2).each do |i| config.vm.define "testsa#{i}".to_sym do |web_config| is_main = (i == 1) = 'CentOS-6.5-141003' web_config.vm.hostname = "testsa#{i}" web_config.vm.box_url = dummy

node_config.ssh.username = "go"

  #node_config.ssh.private_key_path = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
  web_config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true



Am I doing something wrong or is this correct?

tsugliani commented 9 years ago

Yes, at the moment this provider doesn't support parallelization, this brings some challenges for us because the way vagrant operates and vCloud Director works is not a good fit for now, and not an easy task either I would say. (especially when leveraging the vCD vApp container which is the base component for deploying machines right now)

We do have some ideas to implement some "sort" of parallelization, but they are not yet implemented unfortunately.