frarees / typometer

Text editor typing latency analyzer
Apache License 2.0
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Doesn't seem to work on win11 #4

Open quesada opened 1 year ago

quesada commented 1 year ago

Tried v 1.0.1, 1.1.0. Using all possible combinations of 'native api', and 'async'. tried notepad, kate (windows), lite XL. None of them work.

Any idea why?

averms commented 1 year ago

Doesn't work for me either when testing out Notepad. I get a few dots and then "Cannot detect reference pattern".

However it does work when testing terminal emulators like Windows Terminal and mintty. It also works when testing editors like GVim although I am getting crazy high latency numbers (40 ms vs 8 ms on Win 10). I'm hoping this is a measurement issue 😩 .

frarees commented 1 year ago

The algorithm used to detect the dots pattern is very fragile and requires the pattern to stay stable through the reading. I've seen some editors where, after a number of dots, the spacing between them is not consistent. One pixel off is enough to make it fail iirc. Font smoothing can also play a role here.

So, a few recommendations:

Ideally, typometer should be able to understand the pattern and account for slight inconsistencies just fine (part of my effort here was to improve on this area, but there was more work that I originally anticipated).