fraschetti / Octoslack

OctoPrint plugin for Slack, Mattermost, Pushbullet, Pushover, Rocket.Chat, Discord, Riot/Matrix, & Microsoft Teams
MIT License
74 stars 34 forks source link

Rotate snapshots sent different than normal #129

Open jamuraa opened 2 years ago

jamuraa commented 2 years ago

When using Octo4a, the camera is rotated correctly on the control panel, but the snapshots sent to Slack are sideways - it would be good for there to be an option to rotate them separately without making the video in the web interface sidewyas 😄

fraschetti commented 1 year ago

Hi @jamuraa

Any chance you can share a bit extra info so I can fully understand the context?

  1. A screenshot of what your OctoPrint "Web & Timelapse" settings dialog
  2. A screenshot of what shows when you use the Test button next to the Stream URL input (trying to determine the orientation of the camera itself vs what's rendered throughout OctoPrint and Octoslack)
  3. A screenshot OctoPrint's "Additional snapshot URLs" settings area (just curious what's configured there, if anything)
