frasertweedale / hs-jose

Haskell JOSE and JWT library
Apache License 2.0
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Caching getPOSIXTime calls #53

Closed begriffs closed 6 years ago

begriffs commented 6 years ago

Hi there, thanks for this excellent library. I'm switching PostgREST to use it in, but we noticed one regression. It used to be that we protected the getPOSIXTime function using the auto-update library. This way when the server gets high traffic it doesn't have to make this relatively expensive system call every time, but only one second apart at most.

-- ask for the OS time at most once per second      
getTime <- mkAutoUpdate defaultUpdateSettings {updateAction = getPOSIXTime}

Previously, with a different jwt library, we were passing this time into the jwt validation function inside our request handler like this:

time <- getTime
-- use time when checking jwt expiration

Is it possible to include this optimization inside hs-jose?

frasertweedale commented 6 years ago

@begriffs I'll provide version of the JWT validation functions that receive a UTCTime argument for the current time. Work for you?

begriffs commented 6 years ago

Yeah that would work fine, thanks!

frasertweedale commented 6 years ago

@begriffs could you please try out commit and verify that it is has the desired behaviour?

(Note: I only provided one new function, verifyClaimsAt; no explicit-time version of the validateClaimsSet is provided (and it shouldn't be needed in the common case either, because this validation is performed as part of verifyClaims.)

frasertweedale commented 6 years ago

@begriffs make that (I just changed the order of some arguments).

steve-chavez commented 6 years ago

@frasertweedale I've tested the new verifyClaimsAt function in and is working ok(all postgrest tests passing), would've great if you could do a release with the function to include the change in postgrest master branch.

frasertweedale commented 6 years ago

@begriffs @steve-chavez there ya go. I'll be cutting v0.7.0.0 within the next day or so.