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UAFGD Question on campaign summary vs name dump of pledged #19

Open FMGstaff opened 3 years ago

FMGstaff commented 3 years ago

Report name Notes - See Matt on this one. Not sure if this is a bug as much as how maybe a gift was entered or lost or something. Donor Report came back with 72 donors.

Client Id UAFGD

Index option What is the index that you used?

Run by What is the run by option?

Filter What filter did you use? Need the specific details of what the filter was. If a custom filter include all options that were selected.

Expected behavior Campaign summary says 67 donors and list from name dump says 65

Additional context Donors to date: Kathleen Rebollo (parent)

George Drach '57

Ralph Miller '58

Tom Kennedy ‘59

Richard Thompson '59

Ralph Heffelman '60

Dan Mariscal '60

Deno Dikeou '61

John Marietti '61

Terry Muse '61

Bill Wheeler '61

Rick Allen '62

Vince San Angelo '62

Jim Sakrison '63

Buzz Sands '63

Chuck Townsdin '63

Eddie Wilson '63

Wally Armer '64

Don Kersey '64

Jere Teed '64

Dewey Paul '65

Tom Warne '65

Mike Aboud '67

Jim Webb '67

Craig Arbon '68

James Rathwell ‘68

Tom Sundeen ’68

Jeff Derickson ‘72

Tom Harvey ‘72

Stephen Pierce ’72

Brock Tella ’72

Bill Morgan ‘74

David Pollard ’74

Jack Derickson '75

Mark Folger ‘75

John Jennings ’75

Jim Bennett '76

Jeff Patch ‘77

John Sivo ‘77

Thomas White '80

Ed Fleming ‘81

Doug Folger ‘81

Marty Sheber ’81

Craig Barker ‘82

Mark Besh ’82

Bruce Hart '82

Paul Douglas '83

Jeff Mongan '83

Russ Schaeffer '83

Alan Airth '84

Scott Douglas '84

Brian Horner '84

George Jackson '84

Deron Bocks '86

Dwayne Douglas '86

Keith Holben '86

Marc Kates ‘86

Greg Garrett ‘87

John Mansour ‘87

Jeff Miller ‘89

Deron Webb ‘89

Eric Carmichael ‘90

Tony Castellino ‘90

Brad East ‘92

David Pagano ‘96

jdfergason commented 3 years ago

There is insufficient information provided to debug this. Please make sure to fill out all the sections of the bug report. Specifically the index, run by, and filter sections are missing here. Also there is no client named UAFGD any more. Just UAFGD_New and UAFGD_Old, please be sure to indicate the correct client id.

fmgmatt commented 3 years ago

Jeremy, Eli will add what is needed but the simple thing is the campaign summary report number of donors is not matching the list of donors when I run it in any format. The filter I ran for the list of names was fist and last name in grad order for those who pledged and compared to the campaign summary report.

jdfergason commented 3 years ago

Still awaiting info from Eli