frattalab / PAPA

PAPA (Pipeline-Alternative Polyadenylation) - Snakemake pipeline for analysis of APA from short-read RNA-seq data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Intronic/'upstream' last exons - expand quantification regions to upstream penultimate exon/ shared region & add decoy transcripts #36

Open SamBryce-Smith opened 1 year ago

SamBryce-Smith commented 1 year ago

For gene-body internal last exons currently the uniquely-exonic regions for each last exon are passed as regions for Salmon to quantify. e.g. for a bleedthrough event, the annotated internal exon is subtracted from the last exon and only the region unique to the last exon is used to quantify the region.


Whilst simple, it has a few drawbacks:


One way to get around this (and to avoid problems of intron retention being mis-assigned to last exon) is to:

SamBryce-Smith commented 1 year ago

take a look at the --recoverOrphans option - if it uses the genome decoys to search upstream of the last exon it may be able to recover some of these alignments?

Even if so, would still be useful to implement this feature RE the point of alternative processing decisions, especially intron retention