Closed 1div0 closed 2 years ago
Try latest master source code and also add --y4m
in the command.
ffmpeg -i "input_video.mkv" -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -f yuv4mpegpipe -strict -1 - | vvencapp -i - --y4m --preset faster -c yuv420_10 -q 23 -o "f-yuv4mpegpipe-10b.266"
I use to have issue with y4m input:, and it has been fixed.
ffmpeg -start_number 180100 -i ${INPUT_PATH}/midnight_sun/midnightsun%06d.exr -vf scale=1920:1080 -framerate 50/1 -time_base 1/50 -strict -1 -pix_fmt yuv420p10 -color_primaries bt2020 -colorspace bt2020_ncl -color_trc bt2020-10 -y ${OUTPUT_PATH}/midnight_sun.1080p50.y4m
vvencapp --input /1TB/Video/Y4M/midnight_sun.1080p50.y4m --qp 32 --hdr hlg_2020 --decodedpicturehash 1 --output /1TB/Video/VVC/midnight_sun.1080p50.HLG.266
Segmentation fault occurs always, last output string is: vvencapp [error]: read file failed: Source image does not contain valid y4m header (FRAME)
Thread 5 "vvencapp" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
Gathering more relevant information such as backtrace...