fraunhoferhhi / vvenc

VVenC, the Fraunhofer Versatile Video Encoder
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
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An explanation for vvenc output #201

Closed birdie-github closed 2 years ago

birdie-github commented 2 years ago

It's not a bug but it would be nice to get an explanation for the terms used in vvenc output (1/2/3).

  1. First of all its header:
vvencapp: Fraunhofer VVC Encoder ver. 1.6.1 [Linux][GCC 12.2.1][64 bit][SIMD=AVX2]
CODING TOOL CFG: CTU128 QT44BTT3333332 IBD:1 SAO:1 ALF:1 (NonLinLuma:1 NonLinChr:1) CCALF:1 Tiles:1x1 Slices:1 WPP:0 WPP-Substreams:1 TMVP:1 DQ:1 SDH:0 CST:1 BDOF:1 DMVR:1 MTSImplicit:0 SBT:1 JCbCr:1 CabacInitPresent:0 AMVR:1 SMVD:1 LMCS:2 (Signal:SDR Opt:0) CIIP:1 MIP:1 AFFINE:1 (PROF:1, Type:1) MMVD:1 DisFracMMVD:1 SbTMVP:1 GPM:1 LFNST:1 MTS:1 (IntraCand:3) ISP:1 TS:2 TSLog2MaxSize:5 useChromaTS:0 BDPCM:2 IBC:2 BCW:2 
ENC. ALG. CFG: QPA:1 HAD:1 RDQ:1 RDQTS:1 ASR:1 MinSearchWindow:96 EDO:2 MCTF:2 
PRE-ANALYSIS CFG: STA:1 LeadFrames:0 TrailFrames:0 
FAST TOOL CFG: ECU:0 FEN:3 FDM:1 FastSearch:1 (SCC:2) LCTUFast:1 FastMrg:1 PBIntraFast:1 AMaxBT:0 FastQtBtEnc:1 ContentBasedFastQtbt:0 FastMIP:0 FastIntraTools:0 IntraEstDecBit:1 FastLocalDualTree:1 IntegerET:0 FastSubPel:0 ReduceFilterME:0 QtbttExtraFast:1 FastTTSplit:1 IBCFastMethod:1 FIM:0 ALFSpeed:0 QuantThr: 4 
RATE CONTROL CFG: RateControl:0 LookAhead:0 
PARALLEL PROCESSING CFG: NumThreads:8 MaxParallelFrames:4 WppBitEqual:1 WF:0

Some items are pretty self-explanatory, e.g. PARALLEL PROCESSING CFG: NumThreads:8 MaxParallelFrames:4 but others are pretty cryptic.

  1. Then encoding output:

    POC     0 TId: 0 (  IDR_N_LP, I-SLICE, QP 11, TF 3)    2575840 bits [Y 49.2438 dB    U 56.5677 dB    V 58.4297 dB] [ET    52 ] [L0 ] [L1 ]
    POC    32 TId: 0 (     TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 14, TF 3)    2181336 bits [Y 47.3346 dB    U 54.8549 dB    V 55.7641 dB] [ET   134 ] [L0 0 ] [L1 0 ]
    POC    16 TId: 1 (      STSA, B-SLICE, QP 15, TF 2)    1366152 bits [Y 46.3344 dB    U 54.0853 dB    V 55.1923 dB] [ET   118 ] [L0 0 32 ] [L1 32 0 ]
    POC    64 TId: 0 (       CRA, I-SLICE, QP 12, TF 3)    2639304 bits [Y 48.3808 dB    U 55.6834 dB    V 56.8192 dB] [ET   101 ] [L0 ] [L1 ]
    POC    39 TId: 5 (      RASL, B-SLICE, QP 22)            21048 bits [Y 44.0537 dB    U 53.7304 dB    V 54.5433 dB] [ET    17 ] [L0 38 36 ] [L1 40 48 ]
  2. Lastly, everything in the header seems to be configurable but is it or I need to use vvencFFapp? I know it's all work in progress, so if it makes no sense, don't bother.

birdie-github commented 2 years ago

I will just preemptively close this bug report because I don't want to waste anyone's time.