fraunhoferhhi / vvenc

VVenC, the Fraunhofer Versatile Video Encoder
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
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Get frame from decoded picture buffer (DPB) #276

Closed cheptil closed 1 year ago

cheptil commented 1 year ago


I want to extract frame from DPB, change it with external tool and insert back to DPB

How can I do it with minimal code changes?

Do I need to dump frame from void Slice::constructRefPicList function?

adamjw24 commented 1 year ago

It is not easily possible and we will not include such functionality. VVenC is a VVC encoder, and only that. What you want to do is run some experiments that are not VVC compliant. For that, you need a software that is meant for experimentation beyond compatibility with a specific spec. Please have a look at VTM or ECM.

You can of course still do it with VVenC, but since this change goes way beyond VVenC functionality scope I cannot really provide proper support here.

cheptil commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for the answer!

If it is not hard for you, can you please specify a place in the code of vvenc, from where I can dump decoded pictures from the buffer?