fraunhoferhhi / vvenc

VVenC, the Fraunhofer Versatile Video Encoder
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
901 stars 158 forks source link

does vvenc support AVX512(AVX3) now? #301

Closed gaaa1 closed 11 months ago

gaaa1 commented 11 months ago

Hi, I'm doing some research on coding tools using vvenc1.8.0. And I tried to force AVX512 to be enabled to support my code by #define USE_AVX512, but compilation failed. I'd like to know if version1.8.0 or the latest version supports AVX512 now? Regards

Environment OS: Windows11 22621.1992 Compiler: MSVC16.35 CPU: 12700k(only performance cores are used)

adamjw24 commented 11 months ago

No, VVenC does not support AVX512.

There is no support planned. In that sense our roadmap is aligned with Intels roadmap for their chips in that regards.

gaaa1 commented 11 months ago

Thank for your reply! This is my first question&message on github.

adamjw24 commented 11 months ago

Welcome to GitHub