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VVenC, the Fraunhofer Versatile Video Encoder
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Abbreviations in the article #357

Closed birdie-github closed 6 months ago

birdie-github commented 7 months ago

You've got a nice article but it has a ton of abbreviations.

Would be great if you explained them in a new separate section of it.

Thank you!

adamjw24 commented 7 months ago

Good point, we'll put some effort to make it more accessible soon.

adamjw24 commented 7 months ago

Let's keep this one open until done as a reminder

lehmann-c commented 6 months ago

You've got a nice article but it has a ton of abbreviations.

Would be great if you explained them in a new separate section of it.

Thank you!

Can you specify what abbreviations do you mean in particular? There are already quite a lot of references on the bottom where the main topics are cross references.

birdie-github commented 6 months ago

Only "QP" in the first paragraph is left unexplained but from later on you could deduce it means Quantization Parameter. Other than that it looks good.

In a perfect world when you first use an abbreviation you could as well link it to a respective Wikipedia article, but it's really up to you.

Thank a ton!