fraunhoferhhi / vvenc

VVenC, the Fraunhofer Versatile Video Encoder
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
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Info for CQF #382

Closed thx4ever closed 4 months ago

thx4ever commented 4 months ago

Hi, can u show some examples How to use CQF mode?


ZenKiyoshi commented 4 months ago

@thx4ever I don't see any paramerters in --fullhelp yet. It would be for next version.

@adamjw24 Anyway I also want to ask: Does CQF work similarly to x264/x265 CRF?

adamjw24 commented 4 months ago

CQF is similar to CRF in x265/x264, which means it is rate capped constant quality encoding.

Constant quality, i.e. --qp XY --qpa 1. Capped, i.e. --maxrate YZ. So thats the three params you use for CQF. --qpa 1 is the default, so can be skipped.

Best, Adam

thx4ever commented 4 months ago

CQF is similar to CRF in x265/x264, which means it is rate capped constant quality encoding.

Constant quality, i.e. --qp XY --qpa 1. Capped, i.e. --maxrate YZ. So thats the three params you use for CQF. --qpa 1 is the default, so can be skipped.

Best, Adam

You mean --qp -qpa 1 --MaxBitrate?

adamjw24 commented 4 months ago

You mean --qp -qpa 1 --MaxBitrate?

No, I mean --qp A --qpa 1 --maxrate B, thats for vvencapp tho. For the vvencFFapp the params are different.

thx4ever commented 4 months ago

Im currently using vvencFFapp can u show me how to do it?


adamjw24 commented 4 months ago

You mean --qp -qpa 1 --MaxBitrate?

For vvencFFapp, --QP=A -qpa 1 --MaxBitrate=B (-qpa 1 is the same as --PerceptQPA=1) seems the way to go. Mind that -qpa 1 is not the default, so this has to be specified.