fraunhoferhhi / vvenc

VVenC, the Fraunhofer Versatile Video Encoder
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
899 stars 158 forks source link

vvencFFapp is not installed #386

Closed bart-kroon closed 2 weeks ago

bart-kroon commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry, it is me again :wink:

When building VVenC 1.11.1 like this:

cmake -G Ninja -S my_source_dir -B my_binary_dir \
    --install-prefix my_install_dir \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \
ninja -C my_binary_dir
# ninja -C my_binary_dir install
-- Install configuration: "RelWithDebInfo"
-- Installing: my_install_dir/include/vvenc/version.h
-- Up-to-date: my_install_dir/include/vvenc
-- Installing: my_install_dir/include/vvenc/vvenc.h
-- Installing: my_install_dir/include/vvenc/vvencCfg.h
-- Installing: my_install_dir/include/vvenc/vvencDecl.h
-- Installing: my_install_dir/lib/vvenc.lib
-- Installing: my_install_dir/bin/vvencapp.exe
-- Installing: my_install_dir/bin/vvencapp.pdb
-- Installing: my_install_dir/bin/vvencFFapp.pdb
-- Installing: my_install_dir/lib/cmake/vvenc/vvencConfig.cmake
-- Installing: my_install_dir/lib/cmake/vvenc/vvencConfigVersion.cmake
-- Installing: my_install_dir/lib/cmake/vvenc/vvencTargets-static.cmake
-- Installing: my_install_dir/lib/cmake/vvenc/vvencTargets-static-relwithdebinfo.cmake
-- Installing: my_install_dir/lib/pkgconfig/libvvenc.pc
ninja: Entering directory `my_binary_dir'
[0/1] Install the project...

While vvencFFapp.pdb is installed, vvencFFapp.exe is missing from the installation directory. My last known working version is 1.7.0.

adamjw24 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Bart,

If using cmake please add -DVVENC_INSTALL_FULLFEATURE_APP=1 to the build setup step.

We stopped installing it per default because it's not intended for external use by non-video-experts somehow familiar with VTM. You of course are one.

Best, Adam

bart-kroon commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Adam, thanks for the quick response. I'll add that flag to my builds.

Isn't it surprising though that vvencFFapp.pdb is installed when VVENC_INSTALL_FULLFEATURE_APP=0?

adamjw24 commented 3 weeks ago

Guess we missed that. Thanks for pointing it out.