fraunhoferhhi / vvenc

VVenC, the Fraunhofer Versatile Video Encoder
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
955 stars 172 forks source link

[Feature request] Y4M support inside of VVenC #65

Closed BlueSwordM closed 2 years ago

BlueSwordM commented 3 years ago

Hello. I've been trying out VVenC recently, and I've noticed that this encoder doesn't support y4m input for some reason.

Are there any plans into bringing y4m support into the encoder? Having to pipe YUV and specifying the data is fine, but it is not optimal and makes the encoding workflow more annoying, even when scripted.

Might as well add in y4m support in VVdec.

master-of-zen commented 3 years ago

Yes please

master-of-zen commented 3 years ago

Y4M input still would be good

master-of-zen commented 3 years ago

Sometimes, when I drink tea I have a thought: "Yeah, y4m support on VVenC would be good... wish that was added"

FranceBB commented 3 years ago

Definitely. y4m is widely adopted and it's very handy 'cause this way we won't have to specify the properties every time like resolution, frame rate, chroma sampling, bit depth etc 'cause this is done for us by the pipe. Allowing it would be largely beneficial to the community, especially when it comes to automated workflow etc. Going forward I think it should definitely support y4m so that we can do stuff like:

ffmpeg.exe -i "AVS Script.avs" -strict -1 -an -f yuv4mpegpipe - | vvencapp.exe -i - --preset medium --format yuv420 --bitrate 250000 --profile auto --level 5.0 --passes 1 --output "VVC.h266"

benwaggoner commented 3 years ago

Yeah, without .y4m it's really hard not to have a single typo in a single parameter ruin an entire test encode. Particularly if different frame sizes, fps, or bit depths are being compared. I've put off testing with VVenC due to the sustained headache required to convert my existing test scripts from .y4m to .yuv

sgmihai commented 2 years ago

This is a corporate codec, not open av1 development, where issue requests are actually analyzed.

adamjw24 commented 2 years ago

@sgmihai I reported you for harassment.

Just as a reference. Fraunhofer is a "Verein", which means it is a public entity that is forbidden from making profit. All money is invested into ongoing and future operations. For this reason alone VVenC cannot be corporate.

It's easy as a user to only demand stuff. We are a small team fully invested in developing more important features. Everyone is welcome to contributed. But open source does not mean we work for the users.

I'm closing this issue because of the negative energy.

adamjw24 commented 2 years ago

If Y4M support really is a blocker for anyone, please refer to: