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flh1 httpd #223

Closed hirokomatsui closed 7 years ago

hirokomatsui commented 7 years ago

I'd like to use the old setting of httpd.conf, which is copied at: /home/hiroko/httpd.conf.171023

When I simply replace it, it did not work. Can you take a look?

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Is the default one still in the same location?

Apache has moved to version 2.4 and there are several items that need change in such configs. I will look after dinner.

hirokomatsui commented 7 years ago

Yes, I've moved it back.

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Thanks. I'll look in about an hour!

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

So to summarize basically what I see:

Some userdir enables with authentication for a handful of users

Some top level Aliases with authentication. The syntax of authentication changed a fair chunk in 2.4.

Do you object to me making these part of the concept called:


Which allows us to spot the mods to defaults a bit better and also not risk overwrite?

I'll probably make a stab at it as "frazer.conf" for now. And you can verify what existed before does now.

hirokomatsui commented 7 years ago

OK, sounds good.

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Phase one. I've taken the top level aliases and placed them into:


And reloaded Apache. Can you verify that part works? Seems to but you want to make sure the passwords function. There have been some syntax changes and I may need to still make them.

I will work on the other diffs in a moment.

hirokomatsui commented 7 years ago


Not worked:

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Yep, the "UserDir" items changed in 2.4 IIRC. Remembering what they changed to!

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Ah yes, they didn't change the module but its another "conf.d" item: /etc/httpd/conf.d/userdir.conf

Merging your mods into that. One moment.

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

OK. I've enabled userdir in I believe the same way as before but these four people should CHECK to be safe:

UserDir enabled cdeboever paul hiroko matteo

I do not see cdeboever having any security on his directory. I am actually disabling mine. I don't need it.

This part of Apache 2.4 is controlled by: /etc/httpd/conf.d/userdir.conf

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Looking for any other diffs from the old file that might be needed so just advise if things are closer.

hirokomatsui commented 7 years ago

Worked. Thanks!

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Cool! Marking these two files as "modified". Did not see any other major changes but just re-open if missing something. Have a nice evening.

billgreenwald commented 7 years ago

Mine still does not work. I get "You don't have permission to access /~bill on this server."

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Odd, you were not in the list of people that supported this access. Did it work before? Looked like a specific list of people were being maintained but perhaps I mis-read it.

Do you want your public_html to ask for a password? Thats not a default...and you'll need to have a password file for it.

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

@hirokomatsui how did you want this maintained BTW: ask for UserDir access via you or just turn on for all...I have no preference.

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Also minor issue. I believe when you store the password file in the UserDir as I see being done, in theory it can be taken by anyone with a password and offline cracked. Its often wise to consider placing such password files outside of the areas being shared if you worry about such things. Just mentioning.

@billgreenwald I added your userdir to the allow list WITHOUT a password file so just advise if you want one!

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

(and I can explain how to maintain said password file if you've not done that before)

billgreenwald commented 7 years ago

No password is good for me.

It used to just work as soon as someone created a folder. I know a few people you didn't specify had it up and running

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Ah, ok. It might have been 2.2 was default allow for UserDir....checking. Just don't want to expose stuff by accident ;)

hirokomatsui commented 7 years ago

Yes, I remember that was, but changed at some version.

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

OK. So basically then I'm going to turn on with access. So if people have a ~/public_html it will be exposed. Do you want to warn people?

<Directory "/frazer01/home/*/public_html">
    AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Indexes
    Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
    Require method GET POST OPTIONS

Here's the people with public_html dirs.


And please re-check that the folks that HAD passwords still have them. In case I need to alter the inheritance of the directory stanzas.

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Appears to allow access to everyone except @hirokomatsui and @s041629 who have password files defined. Please double check. I do not wish to expose data that is not desired exposed.

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

@hirokomatsui please also double check


For sanity....

billgreenwald commented 7 years ago

went thru the drylab and asked paola, matteo, margaret, and joqauin, and no one had passwords before

hirokomatsui commented 7 years ago

Matteo should have passwords

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Yep. Matteo is defined with passwords.

hirokomatsui commented 7 years ago

I don't want to open everyone's directories without password. Can you use wild card to set AuthUserFile entity?

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

I'll check. I'm not sure actually. Do you want me to disable (while I check)?

hirokomatsui commented 7 years ago

Do you know <Directory "/frazer01//home/*/public_html"> works?

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Yes, thats how things are currently enabled with no password. But I do not believe you can wild card a password file in that stanza. I believe you have to separately do what you were doing....per user.

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Checking module docs though.

s041629 commented 7 years ago

I am trying to find my password

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

You define it in public_html/.htpasswd

Thats controlled by the "htpasswd" command (consult man page for details or I can explain).

it is NOT your UNIX password and should not be for safety. That format is quite crackable. In fact I just cracked yours. (its your username)

s041629 commented 7 years ago

found and updated it

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

I do not know of a way to "pattern expand" an AuthUserFile in a Directory Stanza @hirokomatsui

So would you like me to revert the open of dirs while these are made?

hirokomatsui commented 7 years ago

I think we can open Bill's. I'll open others by request.

tatarsky commented 7 years ago

Ok. So reverting back to a list of users and a stanza per user with the needed auth or non-auth! Then I'll defer to you as controller of this file and concept!

hirokomatsui commented 7 years ago


tatarsky commented 7 years ago

OK. So the key parts of the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/userdir.conf:

UserDir enabled hiroko matteo bill

If you are not there, your dir is not available. You must list the user there. (Confirmed with mine)

Then the stanzas per said users with the various auth v.s. non-auth config.

Advise if questions and please re-check all exported UserDirs.