fraziermork / portfolio

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page.js #64

Closed fraziermork closed 8 years ago

fraziermork commented 8 years ago

Implement page.js instead of trying to preserve state weirdly in your own way-- client-siding will fix many of these problems, but will require extensive revisions to implement.

fraziermork commented 8 years ago

Not sure how the onWindowResize will work after the revision

fraziermork commented 8 years ago

Figure out how to use the current article with page.js -- it would be nice to use page.js for this so that people could link to specific projects and so that on page redraws from widnow resizing I could preserve which project was open. However, I don't want to have to write out a separate route for each article and I'm not sure how to generate routes with variables yet, this probably will involve using the :id thing

fraziermork commented 8 years ago

windowResize works, current section is preserved using the :id thing, state is al preserved.