frc-4931 / 2014-Design

The files, issues, wiki pages, etc. for the design of our 2014 FIRST Robotics Competition robot
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Image the cRIO from the KOP #5

Closed rhauch closed 10 years ago

rhauch commented 10 years ago

Image the cRIO from the kit of parts. We should start by imaging for Java.

rhauch commented 10 years ago

@newtatron originally attempted to do this, but was having problems (related to Windows 8?). @randej will try to image it with the older 2013 Java cRIO image that he successfully imaged our prototype robot with, and then try the newer 2014 Java cRIO image.

randej commented 10 years ago

@newtatron, I had no trouble re-imaging with my Win7 laptop. Was very fast and actually came up with address when I first turned it on. I do not have the v52 image (don't have LabVIEW CD's - who does?). I'll need that to update the image or save that for one of you. @newtatron may also need to update the cRIO imager from the 2104 FRC Utilities (one of the LabVIEW CD's) in case it added better Win 8 support.

randej commented 10 years ago

Also re-imaged old cRIO to Team#9931 and IP Deconflicts with new 2014 cRIO and will match old bridge setup. It still has v47 image and should probably stay that way unless/until we have a good reason to update to v52 (like Win8 compatibility?)

rhauch commented 10 years ago

The v52 image is here if you want to download it using your browser: (the "tree/master" part of that URL are just's way of allowing you to navigate via your browser inside the Git repository; "master" is the branch).

If you have the Java codebase (e.g., the "2014-Robot" git repository) cloned locally, then you can also get it from under the "sunspotfrcsdk/cRIO_Images" directory.

Also, since we were using the v47 prior to January 1, 2014, the v47 file is still in our Git repository's history, and can be downloaded using your browser:

If you have the Java codebase cloned locally, you could instead get it by checking out that commit:

$ git checkout 74d825b

This will output something scary, like "You are in 'detached HEAD' state...", but that's okay. Then you can copy the file:

$ cp sunspotfrcsdk/cRIO_Images/ ~/

Just be sure to go back to the 'master' branch:

$ git checkout master

rhauch commented 10 years ago

BTW, from what I've read from discussions at the beginning of 2013, Windows 8 is not an officially supported platform. That means that NI doesn't test it and that it may happen to work; but if it does not work, we'll get no support.

We've already switched to the latest Java library in our codebase, which means we'll almost certainly need v52. Plus, we don't know what changed, and they may have fixed issues with v47 that we might run into, and if we do it will likely be really an arcane problem. I think we should upgrade to v52 as soon as possible, but I also think we should use the Classmate to do it. It's the officially supported way to image, and it would allow any of us to do that.

In fact, I think we should be using the Classmate for all imaging and driving. It's going to be tough to get used to that little tiny screen.

BTW, for future reference the cRIO images have to go in this directory on the Classmate (e.g., imaging machine):

Zabot commented 10 years ago

Configuration utility ran fine, code was downloaded successfully.