frc-4931 / 2014

This repository was created by FRC Team 4931 before the 2014 FRC Kickoff, and is no longer being changed. However, we will keep this code available, as it is open source and free for any FRC team (or anyone else) to use per the license. Oh, this also has our public how-to's and links to resources.
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ISSUE-34 Fix build across os platforms #35

Closed rhauch closed 10 years ago

rhauch commented 10 years ago

The preverify step was failing on non-OSX platforms because the sunspotfrcsdk/bin/preverify executable was copied during NetBeans installation (on my Mac) from the sunspotfrcsdk/platform-specific/macosx-x86 directory. We want to use the sunspotfrcsdk files on all platforms, so these changes alter the Ant build process to determine the platform OS and use the appropriate platform-specific preverify executable under the sunspotfrcsdk/platform-specific directories.

The changes were made in the sunspotfrcsdk/build.xml file so that all projects will work without changes. Additionally, the sunspotfrcsdk/platform-specific/*/preverify files all had to be made executable so Ant can call them.

This change means that as soon as the developers get this latest fix, then everyone should be able to build and deploy the robot on Mac OS X, Linux, or Windows.