frc1418 / 2017-robot

:robot: Team 1418's FRC robot code for the 2017 season
MIT License
6 stars 4 forks source link

Test PR #27

Closed aderhall closed 7 years ago

aderhall commented 7 years ago

Tim W gave me explicit instructions to do this, and i followed them to the letter I followed them, and under team protocol i made a pull request to the team repository Enjoy!

ArchdukeTim commented 7 years ago

By 'gave explicit instructions' he means, I gave him an example where dollar signs in code blocks makes it hard to copy/paste lots of code at once. My example was a sample git fork, branch, and commit.

ErikBoesen commented 7 years ago

Where's Dustin?

virtuald commented 7 years ago

@ErikBoesen I had unsubscribed from emails from the repository, because there was too much to read and I didn't have the time. :)

virtuald commented 7 years ago

But seriously @aderhall , you should keep it professional when you're posting stuff online. At the end of the season this repo will be opened, and then anyone will be able to see what you've posted.