frc1418 / 2018-robot

:robot: Code for our 2018 competition robot, Panthera.
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In optimized auto, allow choosing target if both plates on current side are ours #154

Open ErikBoesen opened 6 years ago

ErikBoesen commented 6 years ago

We should really have an option for this. It defaults to the scale if both are ours and there's currently nothing we can do about that.

JosephCarpenter commented 6 years ago

How should we be able to select which takes priority? Should we have two different presets, one where the switch takes priority and one where the scale does?

ErikBoesen commented 6 years ago

@JosephCarpenter I'm thinking perhaps name them something like OptimizeScaleSwitch or something like that, where Scale would be scored on on this side and if neither on this side are owned then Switch would be scored on on the opposite side.

ErikBoesen commented 6 years ago

It's an annoying naming format though.

JosephCarpenter commented 6 years ago

Wait, so you want the scale to take priority on our side, and the switch to take priority on the other side?

ErikBoesen commented 6 years ago

In that example, yes.

JosephCarpenter commented 6 years ago

why would the switch take priority on the other side? Wouldn't that overcomplicate things? Is it because it is more reliable to score on the switch on the other side than the scale?

ErikBoesen commented 6 years ago

@JosephCarpenter The idea is we'd be able to choose any set of priorities we want.

JosephCarpenter commented 6 years ago

I think I see - so we would have presets that specify a different destination than on the same side? So there would be one where we want scaleon our side and switch on the opposite side, and vice versa?

ErikBoesen commented 6 years ago

@JosephCarpenter Yes.

JosephCarpenter commented 6 years ago

With the new changes I am making, there are now 9 different optimum presets, and there are still the 5 plain switch and scale presets. I don't really see the point in those 5 plain ones, since we would run a 50/50 chance of placing a cube in the wrong scale/switch. Do you think that I can go ahead and delete them to reduce the number of presets, or is there a reason to keep them?

ErikBoesen commented 6 years ago

No, the plain switch and scale presets will place in the correct side for the chosen target. We use those almost as often as we use optimum.

JosephCarpenter commented 6 years ago

Well, I just found out that I've been working on a COMPLETELY different version of the presets and modular autonomous, which would explain the constant miscommunication. Now I need to update and start from square one. fml

JosephCarpenter commented 6 years ago

It still isn't fully updated after resetting the upstream, getting a meaty git pull upstream master, and fetching, and I can't figure out why I think I'm just going to call it a night.