frc538 / 2020-infinite-recharge

Robot code for FRC Team 538.
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Configure Autonomous #68

Open drewwhis opened 4 years ago

drewwhis commented 4 years ago

I think we just need to generate one autonomous that is configured based on Shuffleboard Settings.

new WaitCommand(/*Time to wait before shooting*/)
.andThen(/*Command to target and shoot or do nothing*/)
.andThen(new WaitCommand(/*Time to wait after shooting*/))
.andThen(/*Command to move somewhere else or stay put*/);
drewwhis commented 4 years ago

We could create a variable in RobotContainer that is the Do Nothing command:

doNothingCommand = new ParallelRaceGroup(new AutoDriveCommand(0,0,0), new WaitCommand(0));

For this task, in the method to get the autonomous command we can set everything to:

return new WaitCommand(0)
.andThen(new WaitCommand(0))

I think this would give us the structure of the auto command we want.