frc6377 / crescendo_2024

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Fix Default Commands (Again) #251

Open azvanderpas opened 2 months ago

azvanderpas commented 2 months ago


setDefaultCommand() on each subsystem's Command Factory used a sequential command group to inject a subsystem requirement in order to keep the default command a ProxyCommand.

This caused a corner case where the first Auton command (usually autonShootShort) needed to include a one robot period delay.


Swapped out for a parallel command group in setDefaultCommand(). And added a name to make any other potential corner cases more noticeable in logs.

Also remove .asProxy()s from RobotContainer Command Factories, since they should no long be needed.

Testing Done

Was able to reproduce the issue in simulation, and then simulation also showed the correct command when changed to parallel command groupings.