frdel / agent-zero

Agent Zero AI framework
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No File Ouput #21

Open nodeGarden opened 1 month ago

nodeGarden commented 1 month ago

I used a simple prompt:

Can you generate a Hello World python app in the current folder?

I get:

Runtime: terminal

Code: python

Agent 0 code execution output:
Hello, World!
(venv) root@037faaf47517:~# 

Agent 0: Starting a message:
    "thoughts": [
        "The script executed successfully and printed 'Hello, World!' as expected.",
        "The task of creating and verifying the Python application is complete."
    "tool_name": "response",
    "tool_args": {
        "text": "The Python application '' has been created successfully and it prints 'Hello, World!'."

Agent 0: reponse:
The Python application '' has been created successfully and it prints 'Hello, World!'.

User message (60s timeout, 'w' to wait, 'e' to leave):
> e
Stopped and removed the container: 037faaf4751778189944186c3a46dd1a5e7548abb1c3670d766af5d0998257ed

(venv)  mondo@mondos-MBP  ~/Desktop/Projects/ai_test  ll
total 0

Just installed the whole project... though I AM running it via a shell script globally (so I can just write agent-zero in any project folder.

alias agent-zero='source ~/Desktop/Projects/agent-zero/venv/bin/activate && python ~/Desktop/Projects/agent-zero/'

As you can see from above, when I do ll (alias for ls -alGh) for the current folder, it's empty. I did the same in the project folder for agent-zero, and there are no new files.

gauravdhiman commented 1 month ago

If you see in your output, the python command runs and prints the output on terminal in docker. If that is happening, the file number there. Docket filesystem is mapped to work_dir folder under your project folder, please check in that.