freakimkaefig / Music-XML-Analyzer

Music XML Analyzer
MIT License
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Fix Search Result Download #114

Closed freakimkaefig closed 9 years ago

freakimkaefig commented 9 years ago

Download-Button not working.

freakimkaefig commented 9 years ago

Can't reproduce. Anyone?

led13714 commented 9 years ago

reagarding pdfjs-download - probably an issue with safari browser, see:

which says "limited support" for safari

freakimkaefig commented 9 years ago

Manuels problem description:

wenn ich auf den Button „EXPORT AS PDF“ klicke kommt in der Konsole folgende Meldung: „Error: getJpegSize could not find the size of the image (jspdf.min.js, Zeile 63)“

Der Klick löst aber sonst keine Aktion aus.

Gerade habe ich durch Zufall entdeckt, dass es nach einem Page Refresh der Seite dann doch klappt … vllt. hilft das auch noch weiter.

Getestet auf Win 7, Aktueller Firefox

Anybody with Win7 can reproduce this in Firefox?

freakimkaefig commented 9 years ago

Test results:

:x: Win 8.1 - Safari 5.1.7 - localhost

No need to support a browser from 2012 ?!?

:white_check_mark: Win 8.1 - Chrome 45.0.2427.7 dev-m (64-bit) - localhost :white_check_mark: Win 8.1 - Chrome 45.0.2427.7 dev-m (64-bit) - heroku

:x:: Win 8.1 - Firefox 38.0.5 - localhost :x: Win 8.1 - Firefox 38.0.5 - heroku

Error: getJpegSize could not find the size of the image Line 63

.item .image value is empty base64 image unbenannt

freakimkaefig commented 9 years ago

Sometimes width gets NaN (not a number). Resolves after page refresh sometimes



freakimkaefig commented 9 years ago

Keep an eye on it, but i think i fixed it.