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posts/2022-10-18-klipper_basic_macros_sidewinder_x2/ #10

Open utterances-bot opened 5 months ago

utterances-bot commented 5 months ago

Must-have Mainsail, Klipper and Cura slicer configuration with Artillery Sidewinder X2 | freakyDude's Blog

Tutorial about the must-have Mainsail, Klipper and Cura slicer configuration files with Artillery Sidewinder X2.

igox commented 5 months ago

Hi freakyDude,

I'm using OctoKlipper plugin.

I did successfully configure my printer using your printer.cfg file (plus some customization of mine). But now, I'm stuck with the macros.cfg file.

What I did:

  1. Download you macros.cfg file
  2. upload this file on my raspberry pi
  3. Modify the printer.cfg file to have the [include macros.cfg] directive to load the macros.cfg file (I put it just before the [mcu] section.

But when the configuration is load, I know got the following error : Error loading template 'gcode_macro START_PRINT:gcode': UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 in position 172: ordinal not in range(128)

Any idea of what I messed up/I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your advice.

Best Regards, iGoX

freakydude commented 5 months ago


It seems like there was an error due copying. This can happen if you copied accidentally some hidden html snippets or between different editors / or windows Linux mac systems.

There are invalid ascii symbols. Try to remove the spaces / line brakes at this positions..

I pretty sure the error is then on another position or gone.

Try to use the copy button or save the raw file or similar. Try to use editors like notepad++ or visual studio code if you edit files locally.

It's something like that.


igox commented 5 months ago


After multiple tries (copy/paste, changing OS - Mac / Windows, ...) I finally pin out the issue!

For unknown reason, the message from the M117 command in the START_PRINT macro was the root cause of the issue. I remove the ° char from the Heatup Bed {BED_TEMP}°C Nozzle {EXTRUDER_TEMP}°C message, and it worked like a charm!

Thanks for helping.

Best regards, iGoX

PS: I'm terribly sorry for my ugly previous message (spelling and grammar). It makes my own eyes bleeding ;-)