freddyz / computerscare-vcv-modules

Modules for VCV Rack
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Custom blank animated gif request #49

Closed vcvrackideas closed 3 years ago

vcvrackideas commented 4 years ago

Hi and thanks for this awesome module! I'd really like to look at animated gifs while patching however) is that possible? Loading gif is totally ok but they are stuck just in one frame. I mean movement of things pretty inspires me for some musical ideas sometimes. Thanks again! I'm on windows btw if that makes sense

freddyz commented 4 years ago

That would be cool, I will look into it for the next Computerscare Modules version (1.4.0). By the way is this Artem? If so I enjoy your music and your video tutorials!

vcvrackideas commented 4 years ago

That would be cool, I will look into it for the next Computerscare Modules version (1.4.0). By the way is this Artem? If so I enjoy your music and your video tutorials!

Yeah, here I am) thanks for very kind words! and very looking forward to it, that would be very fun. I think we can even use some video to gif converters if this will work, huge addition for audiovisuals people. Just let me know if you need some kind of testing, I can easily build it on windows from a source

freddyz commented 4 years ago

Research notes: int nvgCreateImage uses stbi_load claims there is a "way to do" animated gif per:

nnbveh commented 3 years ago

Hi. Use the custom blank today being sure that the gif will animate, unfortunately not the case...i really hope you can implement it, and while you're at it, how about cv inputs for playback control? Maybe one would be enough actually, just a trigger/gate, every time trigger received - advances one frame, gate/stable voltage in - plays with the normal speed?

Thanks! (i really want that picture to move...)

freddyz commented 3 years ago

Greetings! I'm looking into it. Once I determine how much work it would be / if it's possible I'll post an update here.

freddyz commented 3 years ago

@vcvrackideas @nnbveh looks possible! Still pretty buggy but I'm pretty confident I'll have some sort of animated gif support in the next computerscare modules release blank-animated-gif-demo-short

nnbveh commented 3 years ago

Hi there! Any progress on this? Would be really cool to have animated blanks in VCV!

On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 3:50 PM Adam wrote:

@vcvrackideas @nnbveh looks possible! Still pretty buggy but I'm pretty confident I'll have some sort of animated gif support in the next computerscare modules release [image: blank-animated-gif-demo-short]

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freddyz commented 3 years ago

Yeah I'm pretty sure I'll have it for the next release but there's some major bugs that I'm having trouble resolving. I am hoping to have it finished and released in 2020 still.

freddyz commented 3 years ago

I've got a beta build of the new plugin available here:

If either of y'all @nnbveh @vcvrackideas would be interested in taking a look at the new module. I kept adding more and more features, and eventually an expander module (Custom Blank Expander) for CV control of the GIF animation,

vcvrackideas commented 3 years ago

Hi! Thanks for that. Unfortunately I can't upload any gif into that, it shows me "broken file" messages. Tested 3 random gifs from internet

freddyz commented 3 years ago

Could you upload these problem gifs here? I collected a bunch of random internet gifs as well to develop this, and there were a few that are not loadable by the image loading library that is included in Rack.

vcvrackideas commented 3 years ago

Yes, you're right. Only one gif from google's search is a problem - Just curious why is that. Thanks, some others seems work nice! And yeah the last one works but with glitching artifacts, no like in browser -

freddyz commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the examples. I can witness the problem in each of these gifs, and indeed I've seen both of these issues in my prior testing using different gifs. I didn't create the part of the code that actually loads and displays the individual GIF frames, I am merely using it so I don't have any insight into what the problem with these files is other than an error message in one case, and this weird glitchy behavior in the other. I'm not going to delay the release, so I think we'll have to deal with some GIFs not working correctly for now. But, thank you again for providing these samples and for the initial feature request. I've learned a lot about both animated GIFs, and more about developing for Rack!

freddyz commented 3 years ago

v1.4 is released to the Library with animated GIF support. It's not perfect, some GIFs don't load for unknown reasons but I will deal with that in separate issues as it comes up:

Thanks again for the request. This took me quite a while but it was pretty fun to develop this feature.

nnbveh commented 3 years ago

Cool, uploading a video already using it))

How about making the width resizeable? I know there's at least one oscilloscope which can do that.

On Tue, Mar 2, 2021, 22:45 Adam wrote:

v1.4 is released to the Library with animated GIF support. It's not perfect, some GIFs don't load for unknown reasons but I will deal with that in separate issues as it comes up:



Thanks again for the request. This took me quite a while but it was pretty fun to develop this feature.

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freddyz commented 3 years ago

How about making the width resizeable?

Custom Blank has been resizable since its initial release. click and drag on either the far left or far right side of the module. Also check the right click menu for the keyboard controls to move the image around and zoom in/out.

nnbveh commented 3 years ago

Yes, I thought it was, but then I've tried and couldn't resize it so I thought I remembered wrong! Will try again. Thanks!

On Tue, Mar 2, 2021, 22:59 Adam wrote:

How about making the width resizeable?

Custom Blank has been resizable since its initial release. click and drag on either the far left or far right side of the module. Also check the right click menu for the keyboard controls to move the image around and zoom in/out.

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