frederic-mahe / Analogue-Pocket

An issue tracker for Analogue's Pocket, a handheld FPGA device released in December 2021
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Sleep + Wake causes Pokemon Pinball (GBC) graphics errors #110

Open ZakButler opened 1 year ago

ZakButler commented 1 year ago

When playing my original cartridge of Pokemon Pinball for Gameboy / Gameboy Color (not the Gameboy Advance game) I've found a reproducible graphics bug.

Reproduction steps:

1) Load the Pokemon Pinball cartridge 2) Sleep Pocket by briefly pressing the button on the left side of the unit 3) Wake Pocket by pressing the same button

Upon wake, I am consistently getting errors in both Gameboy and Gameboy Color mode

On Gameboy

On Gameboy Color

Other notes

Screenshots Below I am attaching 4 screenshots. These were taken on my Pocket with my original cartridge of Pokemon Pinball running in original Gameboy (not Color) mode, and they showcase the main menu & gameplay both before and after invoking the bug.

Gameplay: gameplay_1 gameplay_2

Main Menu: main_menu_1 main_menu_2