frederic-mahe / Analogue-Pocket

An issue tracker for Analogue's Pocket, a handheld FPGA device released in December 2021
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Avoid having separate save files for same game #121

Open VideogameScrapbook opened 12 months ago

VideogameScrapbook commented 12 months ago

This mainly pertains to the general openFPGA save system. There are many rom organization schemes that encourage the same rom in multiple locations (such as "Collections" that organize games by genre/developer/etc.). With the current separate save per folder strategy, it is really tricky to make sure that just one save file is being used when loading game roms from several different locations. Furthermore, it's trickier with this system to share/synchronize the save files with other methods of playing the dumped games, such as PC emulators. It would be easier to manage saves if you offered a flat save structure per core. This could be a toggleable option, but I can't imagine why many users would want the current system.