frederic-mahe / Analogue-Pocket

An issue tracker for Analogue's Pocket, a handheld FPGA device released in December 2021
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Pokémon Yellow save states not visible in Memories during gameplay and unable to load #124

Open mertster opened 9 months ago

mertster commented 9 months ago

The Pocket auto-detects Pokemon Yellow as a GB cart, but it plays as GBC. When you create a save state, it saves the file as a GBC game save state. It then filters save states when you try to load - so when you go to load a state, the list is empty since it is auto-detected as a GB game, so it is expecting a GB game save state.

To recreate this issue simply put an original Pokemon Yellow cartridge in the Pocket and perform a save state. Then check Memories and try to load while the game is running - the list will be empty. Then quit the cartridge and go to Memories - you will see a save state file was indeed created and it is categorized as “Game Boy Color.” It will also not let you load directly from Memories.

The workaround is to either pop the SD card in your machine and rename the save state files to have “GB” in the name instead of “GBC” - or you can force the game to play in GB mode (but then of course you don’t get to play in color).

Resobaso commented 9 months ago

Can relate I recently have run into this as I just started Pokemon Yellow.