frederic-mahe / Analogue-Pocket

An issue tracker for Analogue's Pocket, a handheld FPGA device released in December 2021
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Wario Land 1 Credits Ghosting/Flickering issues #86

Open hj8ag opened 2 years ago

hj8ag commented 2 years ago

End credits on Wario Land 1 have a kind of glitchy/ghosting stutter while text is scrolling horizontally.

GreatHierophant commented 2 years ago

My GBA SP does the same thing as Pocket. This may have appeared differently on a DMG or GBP, but other captures of the game from the Game Boy Player show the same flickery/stuttery effect in this bug. This isn't a bug.

treepizzahello commented 2 years ago

Can confirm, from childhood familiarity with this game - I believe this effect is intentional and happens on original hardware.

t3rminus commented 1 year ago

I will also confirm this effect happens on original hardware. It's meant to look like the "body slam" (B-button shoulder attack) effect, and is even accompanied by the sound effect, but it's very odd when applied to text.

You can see an (emulated) example here, appearing exactly as intended: