frederic-mahe / Analogue-Pocket

An issue tracker for Analogue's Pocket, a handheld FPGA device released in December 2021
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MBC3 RTC state is being saved on sleep (and with save states?) #90

Open Sotomura opened 1 year ago

Sotomura commented 1 year ago

Observed while running 1.0B and 1.1-beta. Issue is not present in 1.0A.

The real-time clock state is saved every time the console is put to sleep. When the Pocket is awakened, the Pocket will restore the RTC state to when the game was put to sleep. Thus if the game time before the console was put to sleep was 10:30 AM, and the console is awakened later, the in-game time still reflects 10:30 AM. With Pokémon games in particular, which have an RTC, this can be a hassle as it basically stops regular time in the game itself.

I’ve mostly tested this with reproduction cartridges (namely, the insideGadgets MBC3 with RTC), since I’m unwilling (and less able) to test this with my still-working Pokémon games. It’s affected any game (that I’ve flashed, mind) with an RTC.

I’ve been downgrading the firmware as a result.