frederic-mahe / Analogue-Pocket

An issue tracker for Analogue's Pocket, a handheld FPGA device released in December 2021
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Beta firmware 1.1 - Creating or loading save state for The Lost Vikings causes audio to disappear #97

Open beckbria opened 1 year ago

beckbria commented 1 year ago

When playing The Lost Vikings (Gameboy Advance), creating or loading a save state/memory causes all audio to drop until the cartridge is restarted. This is the only game that I have found this issue with - others work fine. Also appears to repro on Everdrive GBA.

shawn99452 commented 1 year ago

This happens with Blackthorne (GBA) also, with an original cartridge; probably they use a similar audio engine, since both are made by the same developers. In Blackthorne, the audio eventually comes back if you finish a level, but dies again if you create / load a save state. Sleeping the system also triggers the issue, I think because it "sleeps" by creating an interim save state and then loading it on wake. This is on 1.1-beta6.

seanfcastillo commented 1 year ago

I’m seeing the same issue in Legacy of Goku (original cartridge) and legacy of goku 2 (openfpga).

Sound gets broken on sleep/wake and also on save states. Only way to fix it is to restart game.

Weird that it affects these games too.