fredlcore / BSB-LAN

LAN/WiFi interface for Boiler-System-Bus (BSB) and Local Process Bus (LPB) and Punkt-zu-Punkt Schnittstelle (PPS) with a Siemens® controller used by Elco®, Brötje® and similar heating systems
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[BUG] MicroSD format #511

Closed proasnet closed 1 year ago

proasnet commented 1 year ago

Please, may be specified a format of a MicroSD card for version 3? In my Due, format of previous version 2.8 not working. My SD card is hard to access and I want to avoid experimenting. After upgrading to 3.0, when commanding D0, BSB LAN displays the following message: , Failed to create datalog.txt!

Thank you very much.

fredlcore commented 1 year ago

Hm, we had to change the SD card library from version 1 to version 2 because the old one was no longer compiling properly with recent SDK, but it should be mostly compatible. Especially the format should be the same (FAT, exFAT). @dukess, do you still have a Due with an SD card running and could check on this? That would be great!

proasnet commented 1 year ago

Yes, but in a free time. For firs I must remove a card. I have due in a panel cabinet and on holder where a card is on a back side

proasnet commented 1 year ago

Now, I removed card, slow format as FAT32, but card not working in BSB LAN. Before formating, I found on card both txt files, but end time of write was from my previous version 2.8.1 20221107_175439

I dont know, where is problem. Card has size 16GB.

proasnet commented 1 year ago

Another 16GB card has the same problem.

fredlcore commented 1 year ago

No need to test further, there must be an issue in the code.

proasnet commented 1 year ago

I have a w5100 shield. May be problem here?

fredlcore commented 1 year ago


fredlcore commented 1 year ago

@dukess: No need to test anymore, I have found and connected my Due including an SD card and it works perfectly fine - at least with my SD card. @proasnet: The problem seems to be in your setup. Can you downgrade to release version 2.2 and check if the problem is solved then? If not, then it's obvious that it's your card or something related to the hardware because we only changed to the new library a few days ago. If it does work with version 2.2, then I'll have to look deeper...

proasnet commented 1 year ago

Okay, today after I return from work. Another anomaly in 3.0 is if I connect to BSB LAN over web, I see this code in page:

Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0

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<table align=center><tr bgcolor=#f0f0f0><td class="header" width=20% align=center><a href='/K'>Heater functions</a></td><td class="header" width=20% align=center><a href='/K8'>Sensors</a></td><td class="header" width=20% align=center><a href='/DG'>Plot log file</a></td><td class="header" width=20% align=center><a href='/Q' TARGET='_new'>Device-specific parameter list</a></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#f0f0f0><td class="header" width=20% align=center><a href='/C'>Settings</a></td><td class="header" width=20% align=center><a href='' target='_new'>URL commands</a></td><td class="header" width=20% align=center><a href='' target='new'>Manual</a></td><td class="header" width=20% align=center><a href='' target='_new'>FAQ</a></td></tr></table><p></p><table align=center><tr><td class="header">
BSB-LAN, Version 3.0.1-20221101130752<p><b>Heater functions:</b> Allows you to query or set parameters of your heating system, sorted in different clickable categories.
<p><b>Settings:</b> Displays a list of configuration options. You can change most of these by using the extended URL commands.
<p><b>URL commands:</b> Displays a list of extended commands which you can access by directly entering them in the browser's address line. These commands are also necessary to link up BSB-LAN to any home automation system such as FHEM.
<BR><BR>Checking for newer version...<BR>
Current version is up to date

Then after refresh, I see page normally.

proasnet commented 1 year ago

May be, that this text

Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
Error opening datalog.txt!
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0

Is pasted to html code and page is not displayed in graphic I I tree without in html test, page is graphic

1coderookie commented 1 year ago

In my Due, format of previous version 2.8 not working.


Before formating, I found on card both txt files, but end time of write was from my previous version 2.8.1

I'm just curious: the last version of BSB-LAN before v3.x was v2.2 - where does that 2.8/2.8.1 come from..?

And: did you use the complete version of 2.2/3.x when down-/upgrading (including the belonging config.h, libraries and so on), or did you just use certain files of that version..?

proasnet commented 1 year ago

I am sorry, I tried some upgrades with their edited config files. For each version, with his config file. My edit is language to EN and Rx Tx pins, nothing else. My last long working version was 2.1.0 Then I upgrade to 2.1.8, where I had problems with start after edit config to pins 19 and 18. But card work. If I had 0,0 pins, then this work about one week. Then after load web setting, and add some new parameters for logging ( from default ), my device stop working, and I cant start it. Every reboot waited for Start network services At this weekend, I tried reflash with the same 2.1.8 but still not start setup. My next step was upgrade to 3.0 and device starting normally. But not with SD card.

1coderookie commented 1 year ago

If I had 0,0 pins, then this work about one week. Then after load web setting, and add some new parameters for logging ( from default ), my device stop working, and I cant start it. Every reboot waited for Start network services At this weekend, I tried reflash with the same 2.1.8 but still not start setup.

Did you use the controller specific custom_defs.h for that which you had to ask @fredlcore for? And did you check before adding those parameters to the logging function, if they were available using the webinterface within that version?

There was some kind of a bug about logging unsupported parameters and with the customized custom_defs.h some parameters aren't available anymore which where available with the 'complete' defs.h, so maybe it has something to do with that..?

Cuz usually there's no need to change the pins anyway..

1coderookie commented 1 year ago

This was the bugreport I meant:

proasnet commented 1 year ago

custom_defs.h is empty. Without some code. I added this parameters: 8740,8310 and I remove 8743 8700 and 8314 I left This editing only by web UI

1coderookie commented 1 year ago

custom_defs.h is empty. Without some code.

custom_DEFS.h, not custom_code.h! The custom_defs.h has to be generated by @fredlcore for your specific controller after you did /Q again: That's a new function!

I added this parameters: 8740,8310 and I remove 8743 8700 and 8314 I left This editing only by web UI

So, my advice would be: Remove the card, completey flash the recent version of BSB-LAN with RX/TX set as default (0,0), get your specific custom_defs.h, flash that one again and the do the query of the mentioned parameters using the webUI. If they are available, the you can add them to your logging list.

For the problem with the card, I'd try it again (with having the card formatted again and with executing /D0) after the above mentioned steps and if the system is running then. If that still doesn't work, please report the errors&behaviour with the logs from the serial monitor again. If you do have another smaller card, maybe also try that (like 4GB or so).

1coderookie commented 1 year ago

..oh, and maybe delete all parameters listed in the config.g besides 8700 outside temperature before you're flashing, just to make sure that there's no unsupported parameter listed for logging..

proasnet commented 1 year ago

I am edit only BSB_LAN_config.h. You write "get your specific custom_defs.h", where? this file has only removed "default" from end of name. "do the query of the mentioned parameters using the webUI" - where is this function? My mentioned parameters worked in version 2.1.0

I used to use a smaller card but it didn't work with that one

proasnet commented 1 year ago

I am sorry, I found this in folder scripts. I do it in saturday morning.

1coderookie commented 1 year ago

Please read the link to the belonging chapter of the manual in my post above about the new procedure of getting your device specific custom_defs.h.

In v2.1 we delivered the 'old&complete' defs.h named "BSB_LAN_custom_defs.h.default" (which previously was named "BSB_LAN_defs.h(default)"). That you renamed by deleting ".default". Then you had the same defs.h like the previous versions of BSB-LAN. But: With v3.x we changed that. Since then the custom_defs.h(.default) only supports a few basic parameters. To get complete access to your controller again, you'd have to get the specific file from @fredlcore as mentioned within the chapter 3.3 (see link above). Then it may be though that certain parameters won't be available anymore which were available in the past with the 'complete' defs.h. The reason is that with the new cusomized generated custom_defs.h really only the parameters will be available which are officially supported by your controller, where within the older version it sometimes happened that you had 'access' to a parameter you normally don't have, just because we got that CommandID from a different controller type and just by conincidence it also somehow worked at your controller. We discussed this new way here:

1coderookie commented 1 year ago

No problem, I know it's confusing right now when updating and not necessarily checking out the manual if anything 'big' changed and suddenly problems appear.. ;)

proasnet commented 1 year ago

Can choosing an unsupported parameter make the sd card unreadable? It is unclear to me that any of the mentioned parameters could be unsupported, when I see values ​​for these parameters in the web interface, and they are quite common parameters.

1coderookie commented 1 year ago

"do the query of the mentioned parameters using the webUI" - where is this function?

..just the regular query /8700 for example using the webinterface..

1coderookie commented 1 year ago

As I said before (maybe read my posts again): After switching to your tailormade custom_defs.h it can happen, that 'quite common parameters' won't be available anymore - but that's not a bug within BSB-LAN, it's just that now we really only support the parameters your specific controller has to offer!

As for the problem with the card: see the logging-bug I mentioned above. That may have caused this issue. If that card is readable at your computer, then it's not destroyed then. That's why I wrote the above mentioned steps.

1coderookie commented 1 year ago

So just try to completely do a new installation of v3.0 with the steps mentioned above and within the manual like if you'd be new to this project.. Then let's see what happens.. ;)

fredlcore commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the explanations, @1coderookie :)

1coderookie commented 1 year ago

Welcome ;) ..I hope that'll solve the problem though..

proasnet commented 1 year ago

Okay. Step by step with manual, as a new user. At saturday morning, where I have a free time only for me.

dukess commented 1 year ago

Sorry for my silence, i have lot of work now. Some time ago we did some experiments with bus frequency:

  if (!SD.begin(4, SPI_DIV3_SPEED)) {
    printToDebug(PSTR("failed\r\n")); // change SPI_DIV3_SPEED to SPI_HALF_SPEED if you are still having problems getting your SD card detected
  } else {

Maybe try different options again?

fredlcore commented 1 year ago

Thanks, good idea! And don't worry about reply times, we all have life outside BSB-LAN :)...

proasnet commented 1 year ago

Hi, now is time for work with BSB. I am going step by step and creating txt file.

proasnet commented 1 year ago

Thank you. I get a file. I replaced this file and flash. Setup now write Calculating free space on SD...14751 MB free The program seems to see the card

proasnet commented 1 year ago

Everything seems to be working. I tried the requested parameters for logging in the URL and always returned the actual value. So I wrote them down as logging parameters and will wait a few hours to see them on the chart. Then I will write the result. Thank you very much now.

proasnet commented 1 year ago

Logger working fine now. Thank you.