fredleblanc / roundabout

A 3D Turntable jQuery Plugin.
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Limit visible slides to immediately adjacent slides #110

Open facelordgists opened 11 years ago

facelordgists commented 11 years ago

I'm trying to figure out a way to limit how many slides showing to only the active image, the next and previous. I'm thinking it might be possible with some kind of extra javascript. I'm going to start fiddling with that, but I'm not very good with Javascript yet.

Hopefully I'm over thinking this, and there's an easier way?

alpracka commented 11 years ago

This option would be nice.

facelordgists commented 11 years ago

I wasn't able to figure out how to get it to work they way I wanted. So I switched to Boutique carousel. It appears to work exactly as I need it to. The responsive support isn't great, and it doesn't work well with photos of varying sizes. But it works well for images that are all the same size.

voodoom commented 10 years ago

+1 for limiting visible items like @facelordgists said