fredrikekre / Literate.jl

Simple package for literate programming in Julia
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Correctly handle refs that span multiple lines #233

Closed kbarros closed 8 months ago

kbarros commented 8 months ago


The new regexes have the following behavior:

repls = []
push!(repls, r"\[([^]]+?)\]\(@ref\)"s => s"\1")     # [foo](@ref) => foo
push!(repls, r"\[([^]]+?)\]\(@ref .*?\)"s => s"\1") # [foo](@ref bar) => foo
push!(repls, r"\[([^]]+?)\]\(@id .*?\)"s => s"\1")  # [foo](@id bar) => foo

content = """
    # # [Example](@id example-id)
    # [foo](@ref), [bar](@ref bbaarr)
    x = 1
for repl in repls
    content = replace(content, repl)
@assert content == """
    # # Example
    # foo, bar
    x = 1

content = """
    # # [Example](@id example-id)
    # [This is a long example which
    # wraps a line](@ref)
    # [In this case the](@ref reference also
    # wraps a line)
    # x = 1
for repl in repls
    content = replace(content, repl)
@assert content == """
    # # Example
    # This is a long example which
    # wraps a line
    # In this case the
    # x = 1
fredrikekre commented 8 months ago

Thanks, will make a new release.