fredyvonvinet / ANTLR4-Plugins-for-NetBeans

NetBeans plugins for ANTLR 4 enabling to integrate ANTLR grammar files in standard NetBeans projects (ant-based or Maven-based).
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Please make the g4 and tokens files readable for a dark laf #38

Open Chris2011 opened 7 years ago

Chris2011 commented 7 years ago

I use the darcula look and feel of NetBeans, and for this, the grammar and tokens files doesn't look readable. Would be great to see a fix soon.




fredyvonvinet commented 7 years ago

I understand your need but it is not possible to satisfy all users that have different color themes for text rendering. So I decoded to define one adapted for standard NetBeans theme.

But I have the solution to your problem. It's you! No, it is not a bad joke! ANTLR Color theme is just completely integrated in NetBeans text rendering. So you may change colors. You can find them in Tools/Options/Fonts & Colors. Select ANTLR v4 grammar in language combo box. As you can see, you can modify the way tokens file are rendered as well.

Chris2011 commented 7 years ago

Yes I know that, but for this needs I created a ticket at the darcula repo to ask who is responsible for the color problems of 3rd-party-plugins: and he referenced a NetBeans bug:

It is about Code completion, but I don't know whether this will help for normal colors too. It is about to use LFCustoms.shiftColor(). Could this help?