free-audio / clap

Audio Plugin API
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Add initial draft for background operation (loading the state and activate the plugin from a background thread) #343

Open abique opened 11 months ago

abique commented 11 months ago

The idea behind this design is to let the host run some expensive operation on a background thread to reduce the load on the main thread.

I've chosen an approach with a clear transition between the main thread to the background thread bgop-thread, because I think it is easier to work that way rather than having to be extra defensive everywhere and expect a call to happen at anytime from a random thread.

tim-janik commented 11 months ago

I wonder whether the following use case is supposed to be covered by some kind of CLAP "background thread" extension or not:

The liquidsfz CLAP plugin implementation (planned) may be busy playing one sample (sample bank, soundfont) at a particular point in time, while the user selects a new sample from the file system the plugin is supposed to switch to. In order to avoid discontinuities, the new soundfont needs to be loaded, paged in, extracted, parsed, interpreted in a background thread (without realtime/lowlatency scheduling), and once that is done, the currently executing synthesis logic can switch to readily prepared state reflecting the new soundfont. This may take several seconds, and during that time, synthesis callbacks, main thread timers, etc need to continue to function as usual.

AFAICS, the current proposed background-ops spec conflicts with this use case, i.e. main thread calls are suspended in the current proposal and there is no easy way for the plugin to pass a time consuming low-priority callback to the host that is supposed to be executed asynchronously.

Is the above use case something that should be accommodated for by a future version of this proposal? Or should be handled by another (future) extension? Or is it something that is already decided to be clearly out of scope of anything CLAP could potentially offer API for?

swesterfeld commented 11 months ago

I wonder whether the following use case is supposed to be covered by some kind of CLAP "background thread" extension or not:...

For reference, for the LV2 plugin, liquidsfz is using the LV2 worker extension to do the necessary expensive operations in background (like parsing and disk I/O) when the user selects a new sfz file:

I haven't seen anything like this for CLAP, so I wonder what the correct way to do it would be.

Should the plugin could use _host.requestRestart() once the user has selected a new sfz file, and then perform its loading stuff during re-activation of the plugin? But this would indeed block the main thread for potentially a long time.

So maybe in combination with implementing this extension everything would work similar to the LV2 worker thread? Or should liquidsfz simply start and manage its own worker thread (like it would probably have to do for VST, where there are no worker threads anyway)?

abique commented 10 months ago

The liquidsfz CLAP plugin implementation (planned) may be busy playing one sample (sample bank, soundfont) at a particular point in time, while the user selects a new sample from the file system the plugin is supposed to switch to. In order to avoid discontinuities, the new soundfont needs to be loaded, paged in, extracted, parsed, interpreted in a background thread (without realtime/lowlatency scheduling), and once that is done, the currently executing synthesis logic can switch to readily prepared state reflecting the new soundfont. This may take several seconds, and during that time, synthesis callbacks, main thread timers, etc need to continue to function as usual.

The plugin can deal with this without requiring host support.

  1. create your own background thread
  2. compute/prepare the working data
  3. message the working data back to the dsp
  4. swap the working data
  5. message back the previous working data to the background thread
  6. destroy / de-allocate resources
tim-janik commented 10 months ago

@abique wrote:

The idea behind this design is to let the host run some expensive operation on a background thread to reduce the load on the main thread.

I've chosen an approach with a clear transition between the main thread to the background thread bgop-thread, because I think it is easier to work that way rather than having to be extra defensive everywhere and expect a call to happen at anytime from a random thread.

@abique wrote:

What happens when the plug-in needs to call the host on the main thread as part of an operation here? It's not allowed to main main-thread calls so some things may be difficult for the plug-in author to write

This is good question, I'm not sure what's the best answer is:

1. allow callbacks on `bgop-thread`

2. delay the callbacks until `finished()`

My gut feeling is that 1. would be the right answer. I don't think it is realistic to have the plugin asking what interfaces it can call from the host on the background thread, so it'd have to be ALL OF THEM.

I fail to see how host and plugins can reliably implement this "thread switching", given the requirements of all the other APIs. A few examples:

1) Timers: If a plugin does [main-thread] register_timer(), are timer calls supposed to be suspended between [bgop] started() + finished()? Or do you expect the host to "transfer" the timer callback invocations, and/or timer registration to the bgop somehow? What is the scope of a timer_id now, is it per-thread (e.g. the event source ID if each thread runs its own event loop) or global? If the latter, do you expect the host to implement [bgop] unregister_timer() for a timer_id that was registered in the [main-thread]? What about timers registered in [bgop] started(), should they be automatically unregistered upon [bgop] finished()?

2) Exec requests: What about request_restart(), request_process(), request_callback()? Are pending requests ignored if they happen directly before [bgop] started()? Or should they be "carried" into the [bgop] thread? Or should they be queued but suspended until after [bgop] finished()? The same questions arise for request_restart(), request_process(), request_callback() being called from within the [bgop] thread right before [bgop] finished(), how should that be handled by the host?

3) Processing: This ties in to question number (2) to some extend, since you said "ALL OF THEM [API calls]". Can a plugin reasonably expect to be able to request processing from the [bgop] thread, and get calls from the [audio-thread]. If that is true, then the whole [bgop] proposal is really nothing more than the plugin allowing to say that it's ok to move the [main-thread] it is called from. And in a previous discussion we determined that this is a bad idea at least under Win/Mac and potentially complicated under Linux.

I could probably go on with other (callback related) APIs that raise similar questions, but i hope you get where I am confused now. I guess my main problems with this proposal can be summed up as follows:

abique commented 10 months ago

Yeah I get your point.

Maybe 2. would be easier: the host performs just one call on the bgop-thread then returns to main, and the plugin waits for finished() to process all its callbacks as well as the host. So the workflow is more like "hold everything, we do one background operation and then resume".