free-audio / interop-tracker

A place to track bugs between host and plugins
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UI nitpick: Inconsistent/redundant labeling of plugin types in BWS #15

Closed mkruselj closed 1 year ago

mkruselj commented 1 year ago


Only CLAP get "plug-ins" appended here in Bitwig, VST and VST3 don't. It'd look way cleaner if it just said CLAP and "plug-ins" showed up nowhere.

Ditto in the big browser:


It's at least consistent here, but feels unnecessary. We know they're plugins, no? And in case of CLAP, P already does mean "plugin" :)

abique commented 1 year ago

This is because you have been using bitwig for a long time and those locations were added at a time where we did not add the "Plug-ins".

If you delete those locations and restart bitwig then they should all have "Plug-ins".

mkruselj commented 1 year ago

Hm, ok. I still dislike the redundancy because P in CLAP already means "plugin" 😀