free-audio / interop-tracker

A place to track bugs between host and plugins
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Excessive log messages in engine with hosting other than 'individually' with 2 claps on macOS #21

Closed baconpaul closed 1 year ago

baconpaul commented 1 year ago


  1. Open BWS43b6 on macos latest
  2. Put BWS in mode where hosting is 'by plugin' as opposed to 'individually' (or really any setting other than 'individually')
  3. Pull in a clap and make a track
  4. Make a new track and pull in a second instance of that same clap

When I run the engine under CLion I then see debug (red) messages in my console. When I do the above in production with BWS I see that filling up engine.log. It gets to half a meg in about 60 seconds.

Interval start: Something went wrong. code = 16
Interval finish: Something went wrong. code = 16
Interval start: Something went wrong. code = 22
Interval finish: Something went wrong. code = 16
Interval start: Something went wrong. code = 22
Interval finish: Something went wrong. code = 16
Interval start: Something went wrong. code = 22
Interval finish: Something went wrong. code = 16
Interval start: Something went wrong. code = 22

whether i do this with dexed, clap-saw-demo, hive, etc...

If I set to 'individually' there's no such problem.

abique commented 1 year ago

Should be fixed in next beta (4.3 beta 8).

baconpaul commented 1 year ago
