Closed raisedadead closed 11 months ago
All the apps need to start with a base template, which should have a default liveliness check endpoint for deployments.
For instance, every app should implement a /status/ping, and that should return an HTTP error code of 200 with a response of { "msg" : "pong" }
{ "msg" : "pong" }
This issue may be split into multiple PRs, with one PR for every project.
### Tasks - [x] 25--5-clock (#486) - [x] american-british-translator (#498) - [x] anonymous-message-board (#512) - [x] bar-chart (#513) - [x] build-a-pinterest-clone (#514) - [x] cash-register (#487) - [x] chart-the-stock-market (#516) - [x] choropleth-map (#517) - [x] drum-machine (#488) - [x] exercise-tracker (#518) - [x] file-metadata-microservice (#499) - [x] forum-proxy (#500) - [x] heat-map (#525) - [x] image-search-abstraction-layer (#526) - [x] issue-tracker (#527) - [x] javascript-calculator (#491) - [x] manage-a-book-trading-club (#530) - [x] markdown-previewer (#492) - [x] metric-imperial-converter (#531) - [x] nightlife-coordination-app (Note: we don't have an example app for this project) - [x] p2p-video-chat-application (#529) - [x] palindrome-checker (#495) - [x] personal-library (#532) - [x] personal-portfolio (#533) - [x] pokeapi-proxy (#496) - [x] pokemon-search-app (#534) - [x] product-landing-page (#537) - [x] random-quote-machine (#493) - [x] request-header-parser-microservice (#540) - [x] roman-numeral-converter (#539) - [X] scatterplot-graph (#542) - [x] secure-real-time-multiplayer-game (#503) - [x] stock-price-checker-proxy (#507) - [X] stock-price-checker (#543) - [X] sudoku-solver (#544) - [x] survey-form (#515) - [X] technical-documentation-page (#546) - [X] telephone-number-validator (#547) - [x] timestamp-microservice (#524) - [X] treemap-diagram (#548) - [x] tribute-page (#494) - [x] twitch-proxy (#522) - [x] url-shortener-microservice (#523) - [x] voting-app (#519) - [x] weather-proxy (#511)
Oops, sorry for causing the accidental closure.
Thanks to all of our contributors who helped get this done~!
It's time to close this issue. :)
All the apps need to start with a base template, which should have a default liveliness check endpoint for deployments.
For instance, every app should implement a
, and that should return an HTTP error code of 200 with a response of{ "msg" : "pong" }
This issue may be split into multiple PRs, with one PR for every project.