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List of seemingly inactive campsites. #304

Open justincorrigible opened 8 years ago

justincorrigible commented 8 years ago

Removing cities (by edit) from this list as I see response from them.

Confirmed inactivity:

These campsites will be removed from the official list when I close this issue. If one of these is yours, please be advised.

Also, if you're willing to take over it, let's get in touch to get you started :construction: :hammer: :sparkles:

End of file

Rafase282 commented 8 years ago

Has this issue been solved @hallaathrad if so, please close it.

justincorrigible commented 8 years ago

this is work in progress with @QuincyLarson. Please, ignore it @Rafase282 .

Rafase282 commented 8 years ago
