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Create Articles: PHP and PHP frameworks #511

Open alayek opened 8 years ago

alayek commented 8 years ago

We need to create articles on PHP and PHP Frameworks like Laravel, CakePHP etc. For now, we can follow the wiki structure of Python articles on the wiki.

This is an epic issue to track PHP articles incorporation in FCC Wiki.

@Rafase282 @raisedadead you might want to label this and assign this. Ping me or @koustuvsinha on gitter to discuss whom to assign it to.

Rafase282 commented 8 years ago

@alayek if you have any suggestions in mind then add a list here so people can pick, similar to what I did with the wiki articles issue.

alayek commented 8 years ago

@SaintPeter please review if we missed some topic in PHP, especially Laravel.

SaintPeter commented 8 years ago

This looks solid - if anything, it may almost be too much detail.

By "Forks" do you mean "Conditional Statements" or "Branching"? "Forks" is not really a thing. I'd also put it before loops.

"Scopes" appears twice.

I would suggest that Laravel actually be handled completely separately because it's a pretty fundamentally different topic. There are lots of things to learn in Laravel that are only hinted at by this overview.

For Laravel I'd include the Query language and also the ORM as separate topics. Migrations are important too.

alayek commented 8 years ago

@SaintPeter I have updated the above. If you want to include any more topic, especially in Laravel; kindly let me know.

Do we include HHVM?

SaintPeter commented 8 years ago

I suggest you use this book, "Code Bright" as a good starting place for Laravel - this is for v4.2, but he's also released "Code Smart" for Laravel 5.x. It's not free on the web yet.

That was the book I used to learn Larael and I think his order of introduction is decent.

As for HHVM, I barely know what it is, so I can't really comment on if you should introduce it. You might mention it in the Installation section, as a side note. I would recommend that you have various setup guides, one for "WAMP Server", one for XAAMP, and one for whatever you need to run HHVM with Apache.

In general, though, I've always been hesitant to host install guides because they tend to go stale quickly and we don't really want to maintain them. Better to mention that it is possible and link to a reputable outside source.

kimyad812 commented 8 years ago

I have used PHP for my uni project on web development and would like to contribute to the articles. Can we talk more about this so i know how you would want it to be?

raisedadead commented 8 years ago

@experimentswithtech Sure thing! Pick any of the topics in the list above and ping us in the Wiki Help Chat room.