freeCodeCampGuam / FCCG-Cogs

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GitHub Cog use requests instead of github3 #10

Closed centipeda closed 7 years ago

centipeda commented 7 years ago

Planning to use the requests module and various GET/POST/PATCH requests to interact with the GitHub API instead of github3. requests is more widely tested and direct interaction with the API allows for more flexibility.

Chovin commented 7 years ago

please don't use requests. use aiohttp instead as it is not blocking. explanation as well as some Red conventions are explained in our little python tut.

we should add a link as well as explain that we should be hanging out in Red's Discord server in or to better understand Red conventions and not fall into pitfalls that previous cog devs have.

put that up on the Wiki? #1

centipeda commented 7 years ago

Oops, yes. Completely forgot about requests being blocking. Can-do.