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Task Managing #17

Open Chovin opened 7 years ago

Chovin commented 7 years ago

As far as I know, we will be using ZenHub/GitHub's Boards, Projects, Pull Requests, and Issues to keep track of our tasks and conversations.


Let's discuss in the comments how we can organize task management and communications. I propose we use issues to start new topics of discussion as well as make new tasks. We can use PRs when dealing more directly with code.


Please reference PRs/Commits/Issues whenever they are relevant like this #15. You can also mention users @Chovin

Outside Communications

If you are waiting for input, feel free to say something in Discord, bump the thread by posting something, or upping it in the Pipeline. Please try to keep relevant conversations on the corresponding threads though, otherwise we'll lose it in Discord. Along those lines, please try to record, on github, the conversations that happen outside so that everyone can see it and so that we have a record of it.


When Issues are made, some effort should be put into organizing it with labels and the such as well as using ZenHub's Pipelines in Boards? If you are going to take on a task, please assign it to yourself.

There are a slew of options to play with and ZenHub even comes with a todo list. You can see them accross the top and right of your screen:

Chovin commented 7 years ago

if you see issues/PRs that aren't aptly named/described/labeled/organized, please comment / add the appropriate labels n such. It'll help us all get organized and make it easy for people to get a quick overview of what's happening and what is important

Chovin commented 7 years ago

You guys know about this right? Very useful to keep track of what's happening on the repos you care about. image

You can set it up in your notifications settings image