freeCodeCampLondon / FCCLND

Portal for FCC London Campers
MIT License
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Free domain name #11

Closed artitudinale1 closed 8 years ago

artitudinale1 commented 8 years ago

We will need to think about a domain name were show the project possibly a free one with a good name.

@silverwedding find this good resource to check for a free domain

I'd suggest for or ? Open to any suggestion / idea.....

artitudinale1 commented 8 years ago

If we are going to use We could have a domain like included. I think it would be enough even without thinking a custom domain name.

Once we are on a stage we can go live - I ll move this repo to So we could have : - which sounds good to me.

Then we can clone repo and keep working to switch backend from Firebase to use Nodejs and stuff. What you think?

chris-alexander commented 8 years ago

Sounds good to me! Do you think I should shorten our org name from FreeCodeCampLondon to FCCLondon or FCCLDN or even LondonCampers or something to save typing? We can still get a free domain name and use a CNAME file with gh-pages. If the intention is to go full-stack at some point we will have to move from gh-pages because it has no 'backend' per se: it just serves static assets. I think the only free option for this is Heroku, but we can work on that when we get there :)

artitudinale1 commented 8 years ago

Yeah absolutely we can see in the future. For the moment github and Firebase would be just fine. To me FreeCodeCampLondon is ok , true a little bit of typing but it's clear and official. I'm open to any other idea or option eventually.