freeCodeCampLondon / FCCLND

Portal for FCC London Campers
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Content! Let's fill up Camper Page #7

Open artitudinale1 opened 8 years ago

artitudinale1 commented 8 years ago

Let's start populate Campers page. So update local json with your data and add a pic in images folder and pull request. Weekly we will upload on Firebase the updated JSON - in that way we will have a data back up.

chris-alexander commented 8 years ago

I think this will be ongoing. Should we keep it as an issue or let campers add their own issue for their own data?

artitudinale1 commented 8 years ago

mmm I think it would be better have one issue for all ....maybe with a label 'on-going'....otherwise we ll end up with too many issues and it d be messy - what you reckon? Maybe we can ask campers to comment in here first ...with branch name ?