freebsd / crochet

Build FreeBSD images for RaspberryPi, BeagleBone, PandaBoard, and others.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Some options not being adhered in the finished image. #111

Closed dinapappor closed 9 years ago

dinapappor commented 9 years ago

When I build an image with the crochet tool for rpi2 I have two options that doesn't seem to be honoured.

Option Growfs

The / is not resized to use maximum amount of the card (this is a 8 GB card), I am only getting /dev/mmcsd0s2a 3.5G 1.8G 1.3G 58% /

When running df -h

In /etc/rc.conf I see:

# On first boot, enlarge the root filesystem to fill the SD card growfs_enable="YES"

So the directive is added. But nothing is happening.

Running service growfs start manually does resize the partition.

This is not the case with the rpi2 image on That one resizes.

option SwapFile 512mb file=/usr/swap0 Swapfile is created but is not used. There is no output in top for it either.

swap is also defined in /etc/fstab but not mounted.

(How do I submit my configfile?)

dinapappor commented 9 years ago

Adding late option to swap-line got the swap mounted for me. md none swap sw,file=/usr/swap0,late 0 0

kientzle commented 9 years ago

I've added 'late' to fstab entry created for SwapFile Thank you for pointing that out.

I'll try using the Growfs option on my own next image and see if I can puzzle anything out.

kientzle commented 9 years ago

Ah. I believe this is all fixed now. The key issue for growfs: Crochet is now using the standard /etc/rc.d/growfs script to handle this, which in turn relies on "firstboot" logic which requires a new image to have a file called /firstboot

Crochet now adds a /firstboot file when installing world.