freebsd / portmaster

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Add support for local package installation with pkgng. #34

Open amishHammer opened 10 years ago

amishHammer commented 10 years ago

This patch allows local packages to be installed if available.

TheDreamer commented 10 years ago

Just what I've been looking for since I switched to pkgng.... because I use '-g' and '--delete-build-only', its nice having '--packages-build --packages-local --local-packagedir=...', to install the build only dependency from previous package.

Don't know if it always did, and I only noticed now in testing this patch... but:

 ===>>> Installing package
 Installing libtool-2.4.2_2... done

 ===>>> Creating a package for new version libtool-2.4.2_2
 Creating package for libtool-2.4.2_2
   ===>>> Package saved to /usr/ports/packages/All

 ===>>> Installation of devel/libtool (libtool-2.4.2_2) succeeded

creating a package from an installing a package seems strange.

TheDreamer commented 10 years ago

Since pkgng has the feature...

when installing a build-only depend..."pkg add" should use the "-A" switch.

Not sure if it should with other automatic dependency installs by portmaster?