freedomofpress / ansible-role-jitsi-meet

Installs the Jitsi Meet open source videoconferencing software
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Possible nginx changes? #26

Closed ageis closed 7 years ago

ageis commented 7 years ago

This task failed for me, as nginx was not installed via the jitsi-meet package for some reason

TASK [ansible-role-jitsi-meet : Copy Nginx config for Jitsi Meet domain.] ******
fatal: [meet]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "failed": true, "msg": "Destination directory /etc/nginx/sites-available does not exist"}

Not sure why, as it is listed in depends.

root@meet:~# apt-cache depends jitsi-meet
 |Depends: debconf
  Depends: <debconf-2.0>
  Depends: jitsi-videobridge
  Depends: jitsi-meet-prosody
 |Depends: openjdk-8-jre-headless
  Depends: nginx

Installed it manually to get the task to succeed, but found that jitsi-videobridge was already bound to port 443.

Oct 16 00:52:40 meet nginx[18518]: nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)
root@meet:~# netstat -tulpn | grep 443
tcp6       0      0 :::443                  :::*                    LISTEN      16284/java      
root@meet:~# ps aux | grep 16284
jvb      16284  1.2 11.1 4062392 56556 ?       Sl   00:46   0:04 java -Xmx3072m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

Got nginx running by killing that, now jvb is only bound to UDP 10000+23347. Things seem to work, so I haven't done any further digging on what changed or why this occurred. There is this though:

msheiny commented 7 years ago

Hey @ageis - what version of jitsi-meet does your box report? I noticed we are on an unstable branch - Been debating if we should jump onto the stable repo.

Also we've been utilizing the (jdauphant/ansible-role-nginx)[] everywhere for nginx config. If we are experiencing any nginx issues on recent packages here, I do think this presents a good excuse to add that role as a galaxy dependency and rip out the custom nginx logic we have here.

conorsch commented 7 years ago

I noticed we are on an unstable branch - Been debating if we should jump onto the stable repo.

Had a feature branch lying around that implemented stable repos, that's in #27 now.

ageis commented 7 years ago

@msheiny I am now on stable 1.0.1338-1.

I will mention that something weird happened a week ago and the config.js got totally wiped out. Must have been unattended upgrades of the unstable package? I dunno... Like I said, haven't had a chance to dig deep. But I do think the whole role should be re-tested cause I suspect there might be breaking changes happening upstream.

conorsch commented 7 years ago

I will mention that something weird happened a week ago and the config.js got totally wiped out.

Anecdotal, but I also observed this on a personal meet machine a few weeks ago—also running unstable. Will move that box to stable branch once #27 lands and monitor over time.

conorsch commented 7 years ago

No problems since switching from unstable to stable repo. Chalking this up to "unstable repo is unstable."