freedomofpress / containers

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Adds build wrapper script #2

Closed conorsch closed 6 years ago

conorsch commented 6 years ago

Using an Ansible playbook to read in the YAML metadata for each container and kick off a build. Builds are tagged with timestamp of year, month, and day in UTC, e.g. 20170925. Right now the playbook does not push images automatically, figured we should take it for a spin first.

Is it madness to use a Makefile to call Ansible to build Docker containers? Probably it is. Should we just use docker-compose to build and push these images? Probably we should.

To test, run make build locally and confirm you get new images.

msheiny commented 6 years ago

Is it silly to use Ansible and make to build docker images? Yes. Should we be using docker-compose instead? Almost certainly.

What does docker-compose do that ansible doesnt do? If anything it appears that we lose functionality by using docker-compose. With ansible's docker's modules we can easily spin up multiple docker instance and link them together in a similar fashion that docker-compose does.

msheiny commented 6 years ago

also im going to drop this here :) if for some reason we need to utilize whatever features from compose we are looking to gain from a switch -->

tl;dr -- im really trying to fight introducing docker-compose to our workflow vs. utilizing ansible